Phytochemical Investigations of  Leea macrophylla (Roxb.) Roots  Along with Case Study of its Oil

Introduction In general, species in the Leea genus prefer moist, fertile, well-drained soil and flourish in full or partial sunlight. The stems of the perennial plant Leea macrophylla might get a little woody. From a tuberous rootstock, it frequently takes on the appearance of a shrub and sometimes a tree. For use locally as food, medicine, and color, this plant…

Modification of a Unani pharmacopoeial formulation Zimad-e-Jarbin to Lotion form and evaluation of Physicopharmaceutical parameters

Introduction The application of medicinal substances to the skin and its appendages, such as sweat glands, nails, and the pilosebaceous unit, as well as to various body orifices, is an age-old practice. Ancient Egyptian papyrus records document numerous external medications, while Galen, in Roman times, described an early precursor to modern vanishing creams[1]. In spite of many dosage forms available…

Formulation and antimicrobial evaluation of polyherbal anti-dandruff shampoo along with pharmaceutical analysis

Introduction Scalp infection is one of the major causes of hair damage caused by various pathogens like bacteria, fungus, virus or parasites. Among these, the most common pathogens involved in hair infections are bacteria and fungus. Bacterial infection of hair follicles (folliculitis), the infestation of head lice (Pediculosis capitis), and fungal infection of scalps such as ringworm (Tinea capitis) and…

A Comparative phytochemical study of coldwaterextract, hotwater extract and starch form of Tinospora cordifolia (Thunb.) Miers. stems

1.Introduction Tinospora cordifolia(Thunb.) Miersis a climbing shrub with a succulent stem and leaves measuring 10-20 cm in diameter. Belonging to the Menispermaceae family and is widely distributed in the Indian subcontinent and China. T. cordifolia, known as Guduchi and Amurta in Sanskrit, means “protects the body from diseases” [1]. The roots, stems, and leaves are integral components of the plant,…

Quantifying the Floral Nectar Production of the Threatened AloeBenishangulana (Aloaceae) Herb to Uplift the Existing Conservation Approach

The Aloaceae family has been used as a source of medicine for both humans and animals since ancient times. In the present day, there is a growing global demand for food and raw materials that contribute to human health, nutrition, and disease prevention [10]. Nectar secretion in plantations increases the frequency of cross-pollination, which ultimately leads to higher yields and…

A Review on Sala-e-sadi (Fibroadenoma of Breast) in Unani System of Medicine

INTRODUCTION In Unani system of medicine, the concept of Humors (Aqlaat) was proposed by the Father of Medicine Hippocrates also known as Buqrat. According to his Humoral theory, the human body contains four humors, which are Dam(Blood), Balgam (Phlegm), Safra (Yellow Bile) and Sauda (Black Bile). All of these humors exist in liquid form. When they are balanced, health is…

Clinical study of benign endometrial hyperplasia and response of Unani drugs with estimation of serum oestrogen levels

INTRODUCTION Endometrial Hyperplasia represents a spectrum of irregular morphological alterations, made by abnormal proliferation of the endometrial glands resulting in an increase in gland-to-stroma ratio. When compared to endometrium from proliferation phase of the cycle (Ellensole tal 2001, Kurman et al 2014). The proliferation glands in endometrial hyperplasia can vary greatly in size and shape, and cytological atypia may be…

Efficacy of Munzij Mushil and Zimaad Therapy in Sala E Sadi (Fibroadenoma of Breast) – A Randomized Single-Blind Study

The breast or mammary gland is the most important structure present in the pectoral region [1]. Breastshape and size depend upon the genetic, racial, and dietary factors and the age, parity, and menopausalstatus of the individual. Breasts may be hemi-spherical, conical, variably pendulous, pyriform, or thin andflattened [2]. The Breast is one of the target organs for various hormones, particularly…

A Survey to Assess Knowledge Attitude Practice of People towards Vitamin D

INTRODUCTIONVitamin D (also known as cholecalciferol) is a fat-soluble vitamin that is largely produced in the skin by activating7-dehydrocholesterol in the presence of ultraviolet (UVB type) radiation. In the liver, it is quickly converted into 25-hydroxy vitamin D 25(OH) D. One more hydroxylation of 25(OH) D by 1-alpha hydroxylase takes place in thekidney, producing 1,25-dihydroxy vitamin D (1,25 D(OH)D), which…

Cross-sectional study to assess the knowledge, attitude, and behavior of women suffering from PCOS and their effect on the skin

IntroductionPolycystic ovarian syndrome, or PCOS, was known initially as “Stein-Leventhalsyndrome,” but it was later referred to as “polycystic ovary disease” (PCOD) beforebeing referred to as PCOS. Ovarian cysts, oligo- or anovulation, and hyperandrogenismare the hallmarks of this heterogeneous endocrine and metabolic disorder, which has asignificant impact on the lives of women of childbearing age [1-2]. Although the exactcause of PCOS…