Microbiological Quality of Herbal Formulation used for the treatmentof Typhoid Fever Sold in Makurdi Metropolis, Central Nigeria

It is estimated that approximately80% of the population indeveloping countries uses herbal medicine as part of theirprimary health care. The use of herbs dates back to the time ofthe early man, who had the crudest tools as his implements andused stones to start his ire [1]. Medicinal science came intoVolume 2, Issue 1 2023 © 2023 Acta Traditional Medicine. All…

Farmers’ Indigenous Knowledge of Breadfruits’ Nutritional, Medicinal,and Fodder Values in Southeast Nigeria

Many crop species and tree species are through indigenous knowledge known and used insidetheir native lands. Nigerian crops and diets have been studies from different perspectives suchas in medicine, public health, and biology (Petrikova et al, 2023). In different parts of theworld, people are noted to access different values from tree species and such values includefood, medicine, snacks, and symbols…

Estimation of Proximate, Phytochemical, Vitamin and Mineral Compositions of Tetracarpidium conophorum (African Walnut) Seed and its potential in Traditional Medicine

Tetracarpidium conophorum (African walnut) seed is commonly eaten because of its distinct flavor and alleged health advantages. This study’s goal was to evaluate the seed of Tetracarpidium conophorum for its proximate, phytochemical, vitamin, and mineral contents. A botanist identifiedcooked T. conophorum seeds that werebought at the “Oja-Oba” market in Ibadan, Nigeria. Before being ground into a coarse powder, the nuts’…