Exploring the Therapeutic Potential of Canarium resiniferum Leaves: Anxiolytic, Antidepressant, and Antioxidant Properties of Methanol Extracts

Introduction Mental health disorders, such as anxiety and depression, along with oxidative stress-related diseases, represent significant global health challenges. These conditions not only affect the quality of life but also impose substantial socio-economic burdens [1]. Conventional treatments for anxiety and depression, including pharmacological interventions such as benzodiazepines and antidepressants, are often associated with undesirable side effects and limited efficacy. Similarly,…

Bioproducts of Amazonian fruits for the prevention and alternative treatment of noncommunicable diseases

Obesity and global health The prevalence of obesity has increased epidemically, as highlighted in the World Obesity Atlas 2023 [1], with significant socio-economic impacts. By 2035, more than half of the world’s population will be overweight considered healthy, representing a major public health problem in the world. High BMI and the risk of noncommunicable diseases in children and adults The…